Tonight I share with you a Dream God gave me on 12/30/21- I was standing along a shoreline with a man for 11 miles. We were purposely not getting into the water nor going to fall into it. Then we moved out onto the water like on a balance beam. We had 20 miles to go on this.
He had like a model or vision of bountiful, rich, fruitful land that he could lay down on desolate land and he did. From where we were standing I saw this land from a distance that he layed this model/vision down on. I saw people walking on it; enJOYing this NEW land that once was dead and desolate, barren and dry; ruined.
I was lead by the Spirit of God to research a 31 mile shoreline; immediately Maryland was revealed. BUT GOD revealed to me "Marryland" (representing the marriage between Christ and His Bride) AND Our Promised Land.
On 1/11/22 God revealed to me it is the 11th mile and 20 more miles to go; BEING 1/31/22.
Last night God revealed to me it is many of us God's People that are on the balance beam. For those of us that are, it is crucial for us to set our eyes on the Lord. And ONLY the Lord! Yes. This means not man. Not even brethren. Not right now. We must each be so intimately connected with him to each hear His Voice and only His Voice. Imagine yourself on a balance beam so as not to fall off. What things are we to be attentive to or watchful of so as not to fall off? We must be EXTREMELY focused right now! We are THAT close to Marryland/Our Promised Land!