Our Father says today, "It's a New Day Rising! It's NOT the weight it used to be! It's NOT the wait it used to be! This is of Me! It's NOT the way it used to be! Yes, you have questions. Yes, you are trying to understand. Yes, you are trying to figure things out. What is happening? Your answers are in My Word! Your answers are known when you spend time with Me. When My Son finished the work on the Cross, it was for you THIS Day and forevermore! 1 Corinthians 15:57 Don't look to the left. Don't look to the right. Look up and Look at Me and what I have already done for you. Colossians 3:2 I spoke. It is Done. It is Finished. John 19:30 NOW, enJOY all of the benefits of being in a right relationship with Me in Earth as it is in Heaven! This IS your Day! You have sacrificed just like My Son. You have given all that you can give. You have died many times over. Matthew 16:24 You have done all that you can do. You have fought the good fight of faith. 1 Timothy 6:12 You have let go of everything that I asked of you. You have stood when it wasn't easy to stand. Ephesians 6:13 You have cried every tear that you can cry. You loved when it wasn't easy to Love. You closed your mouth when you wanted to let it rip. You spoke when I had something to say. Isaiah 51:16 My Son, My Daughter, I saw it all. I was with you. I Am with you. Isaiah 41:10 I Am in you. NOW, rest in Me, because I Am going to explode in you and in your life this Day! Not only will I be exalted among the heathen, so will you. Psalm 46:10 When others didn't believe in you, they also didn't believe in Me. We are One! Well, that's about to change. There will be no way for them not to believe. I Am going to manifest myself in you and through you that's going to blow your minds. Yes. Even your minds. It's time to eat of My Goodness forever! Psalm 23:5 My People. Get ready. An Explosion is about to happen. That only I can do. It's Me. You haven't seen nothing yet. 1 Corinthians 2:9 Get ready for the Greatest manifestation of Me in you and in your life and all around the world. Ha. I laugh. The enemy has lied to people that this is it. That nothing good can come out of all of this. Ha. I Say, watch what I Am going to do. Psalm 2:4 I Am going to prove him wrong again. I have the final say. So do you My People. Tell everyone and get excited. Sit back and relax. The Time is Here! The Time is Now! My Super on the Natural. I tell you it's going to blow your minds. Ephesians 3:20 I Am so excited to do it. enJOY! This is the day that you've been waiting for. I Am going to show myself strong on the behalf of you My People. 2 Chronicles 16:9 You trusted. You didn't give up. You believed in the impossible. NOW, watch what I Am going to do in Earth as it is in Heaven this Day!" Matthew 6:10