The Father says, "Welcome to Paradise! It is a NEW and ANOTHER day in Paradise. Yes. MY Paradise in Earth as it is in Heaven. (Matthew 6:10) You've prayed it. NOW you're getting it, living it, and breathing it! It is here and it is NOW! It's been here. You just have to receive it. What are you waiting for? The Best is here and the Best is NOW! Look for the Best and don't settle for the rest, because the rest isn't good enough. Grab the Best. Reach out and Grab it. Quit settling for the rest. Stop analyzing and start grabbing. In fact, forget the rest. I tell you today, you are worthy to receive it. Why? Because I said so. It is time for you to grasp your worthiness, it is time for you to receive acceptance, it is time for you to see yourself through my eyes. MY Beloved, I Love you. I Loved you yesterday. I Love you today. I will Love you tomorrow. I AM the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. (Hebrews 13:8) That's just the way it is. Some things will never change. These are the days you've been waiting for. This is your inheritance. (Deuteronomy 11:11) Inherit MY Kingdom friends. Yes. You are MY friends. (John 15:14) I Love you beyond measure. There are no more restrictions. There are no more limits. My Son has set you Free indeed. (John 8:36) Receive the bounty of your inheritance. I've called you to be the Best. Doing good isn't good enough. Being good isn't good enough. The Best is in you. I AM in you! I AM the Best and there's none like me! (Isaiah 46:9) Do not settle for doing good enough. Those are days of old. Though others call you less than mediocre; I call you the Best. Though you've done mediocre; I say, NOW you will do great exploits! This IS who you are! You are the Best. Why? Because I said so. I say, may the Best man win. Everywhere. Every time. Welcome to Paradise!"