Brethren, I am being lead by the Spirit of God to share a Dream God gave me on 9/14/20.
I was running in a 14
mile race. ( I knew immediately 14 mile was a
timeframe or timeline upon waking)
At times I would stop and rest, take off my shoes, to give my feet a rest too. Sometimes I would visit with
others while I was resting, but though they wanted to talk longer, I knew I had to tell them, "I have to
Go" and continue in the race. I passed up others at times in the race. There were obstacles and things in
the way that I had to go around in the race. There were even people in the way, for a long time, delaying
me. I was waiting for them to move, and they didn’t, so I had to be strategic and found another way. There was also a door to go through to continue to run the race. At 11:11pm I told those around me, "I only have 2 miles left."
There were distractions, such as grooming dogs hair, but I said, "I am going to finish, I should be back at midnight." There were some that chose not to finish. I was determined to finish the race.
Revelation Knowledge- The midnight in the dream IS midnight this New Years Eve/New Year 2022! This IS the finish line for those of us who choose to finish this race.
The Father says, "I have lots to tell you. There is no better time than NOW! My People, you know what to do. The enemy at large is attempting to befall you through distractions and games. Many distractions and many games. I expose them unto you. In My name no evil shall befall you. I tell you, there has never been a more important time than this. I remind you today to Love Me. I Love you. Fall deeply in love with Me. I AM deeply in Love with you! Be intimate with Me. I be intimate with you. Lean on Me. I uphold you. Follow Me. I show you. Chase Me. I reward you. Seek Me. I be found. Ask Me. I answer you. Knock unto Me. I open unto you. Stand with Me. I fight for you. Breathe Me. I pour out of you. Surrender unto Me. I save you. Die unto Me. You live. Trust Me. I trust you. Give to Me. I give unto you. Cling to Me. I got you. Look at Me. My eyes are on you. Speak of Me. I speak of you. Run to Me. You are safe. Honor Me. I set you on high. Bless Me. I provide for you. Cry to Me. I hearken unto you. Be still with Me. I tell you. Laugh with Me. Your Joy is full. Draw to Me. I draw to you. Lift up your head to Me. I come unto you. Kneel to Me. I lift you up. Stay close to Me. I strengthen you. Turn to Me. I reach for you. Help Me. I supply you. Go with Me. Let's do this together. Embrace Me. I protect you. Dwell in Me. I got you covered. Sing to Me. Angels sing over you. Rejoice in Me. I show up unto you. Flow with Me. I lead you. Rest in Me. I work for you. Abide in Me. Fruit cometh from you. Build with Me. I rebuilt you. Marry Me. Forever you and Me. Dance with Me. My Bride and Me."