On 5/20/21 the words flowed from my mouth, "Time is of the essence." Today, I searched the heart of God for more on this word and He said, "There's no better time than NOW! The time is HERE! The time is NOW! Whether you are ready or not, here I come. I've had enough and NOW I'm coming. Your enemies will be sorry that they ever messed with you. Oh yes, the hour is here. I am going to turn back on them the things that they have done unto you, My People. (Isaiah 61:2) You will be blessed beyond measure. (Ephesians 3:20) Nothing, absolutely nothing, can stop what I am about to do. (Isaiah 14:27) Get ready for the best time of your life. Remember, I told you, I didn't say the best is yet to come, I said to you may the best begin. I am ever ready to show myself strong on the behalf of them whose hearts are perfect towards me. (2 Chronicles 16:9) I know who you are and I'm coming, NOW, unlike anything you have ever seen before. The greatest manifestation of my presence is come upon you. Can you feel it? It's about to burst forth. It is a NEW day. The same old same old is OVER! (Isaiah 43:18-19) It truly is a NEW day dawning. (Ecclesiastes 11:7) Your JOY will be full. (John 15:11) I can't wait to see your faces. Your mourning surely will turn into gladness. Get ready to dance again. (Psalm 30:11) Get ready to sing again. Get ready to laugh again. I am going to show you I AM who I say that I am. (Exodus 3:14) Your Father and your friend and there's only one of me. (John 15:15, Ephesians 4:6) Get ready to run. Yes, you will be running like you've never ran before. (Isaiah 40:31) My power is come upon you. (Acts 1:8) Even you will wonder what just happened, but only for a moment, and then you will know it is I. I say to you this day, I am not only coming, I am here. (Psalm 24:7-10) I love you precious ones. Thank you for believing in me and NOW I will reward you." (Hebrews 11:6)