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6/20/21 Happy Father's Day! The Father says,

The Father says, "This is it. Truly, I tell you, this is it. The time is here. The time is NOW! It is my time. I say when it is my time and NOW my time is here. I say it is the opportune time. I say it is the importune time. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) TODAY is the day. NOW it shall spring forth. (Isaiah 43:18-19) Do you wonder what time that is? I will show you. The Blessings are come. I am pouring them out EVEN NOW! Receive them and enjoy them. They are mine that I am giving to you. Some of them, you won't even know what to do with all of them. (Malachi 3:10) Believe it. It is true. I am come to bring you great joy and gladness. (Isaiah 51:3) The hour has arrived. The wait is over. The weight is over. Both are over. Heaviness will be no longer. (Isaiah 61:3) But you shall worship me and give me thanks for I have done great things. (Psalm 126:3) May the best begin. May the best begin in earth NOW as it is in Heaven. (Matthew 6:10) Did I not tell you that I was going to do these things? (Isaiah 42:9) I am not a man that I should lie. (Numbers 23:19) I am speaking to you TODAY because it is Father's Day, your One and Only Father, and because I Love you. I am glad to be your Father and you to be my child. (Ephesians 4:6) TODAY, I Bless you my child for trusting in me. For not giving up. For not letting go of the things I have shown you and for letting go of the things I have asked of you. I know it was not easy. I know it still isn't easy. Change is not an easy thing and I know that. I created it. Though I stay the same. (Malachi 3:6) But you did it. You are doing it. You are a part of it with me. You are NOW become as one in me; a change maker. You will do great things. You will do great exploits of me. You see, I had to first change you so then you could be a change maker in the world. Yes, the world. I didn't just choose you for small things, but of great things of me. You have proven yourself to be faithful in that which is of the least, NOW you will be faithful in much! (Matthew 25:21) I make all things new. You are making them new with me and in me. We are One. (Revelation 21:5) You have been adopted my son. You have been adopted my daughter. Unto myself. (Ephesians 1:5) Together we are going to change the world in Oneness. In addition to being a change maker; you will also make change. Yes, you heard me. You will be able to make change with the resources that I am giving to you. I tell you the truth, the time is here and the time is NOW! When the rain comes, know this, it is I. I give the rain unto thy land in my season. When you see the rain, I am opening unto thee of my good treasure. (Deuteronomy 28:12) Here it comes. Rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

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