Mighty men of God, God's coming after you! He sees, hears, and knows your lifelessness, your life not living in full capacity, your lack of joy, your lack of enthusiasm, that you're just getting by and you've been oppressed. Father God says, "I say to you this day, NOT ANYMORE, but what are you going to do about it? This is key! Men, I tell you, this IS your hour to Rise! I will help you. By MY Spirit I am going to help you, but you have to help yourself. I have shown you the way to go, but you have to take the steps. I can do a lot with you, but you have to be willing and obedient to MY way for you. (Isaiah 1:19) Yes, MY way! Not yours, not man's, but MY way, saith the Lord. For far too long you have sought to satisfy man, or yourself. The enemy worked to deceive you that it's all about you and man. Today I tell you, it's about ME and MY Kingdom! Let me tell you, MY way is the only way and it is GOOD! MY way is MY name Jesus. I AM the way, the truth, and the life. (John 14:6) In ME, you can have it all. It's only found in ME. That life you so desire is only found in ME. You will not find it anywhere else. Anything or anyone that is of the world will leave you empty and unfulfilled. Seek ME first and MY Kingdom and all of these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33) Can't you see it? It's right before your eyes. All you have to do is LOOK! LOOK and you will SEE! I have given you eyes to see and ears to hear. (Matthew 13:16) LOOK beyond what you are seeing in the natural. Lift up your heads. LIFT up your heads! I say to you again, Lift up your heads. (Psalm 24:7-10) Go higher. Go deeper. Go further. Think BIG. Dream BIG. Go BIG. You've heard the saying, Go Big or Go Home. Well here's your chance or should I say your choice. I AM BIG and so is MY Kingdom. Everything of ME and MY Kingdom is available to you in earth as it is in Heaven. (Matthew 6:10) Come get it. COME get it! Come and get it. I say to you, come and get it and start living life to the fullest. I have that for you, but you have to come get it. Every step you take matters. Seek MY will and MY way and follow ME! If you don't know, ask ME! Ask ME what way you should go and I will tell you. (Matthew 7:7-8, Psalm 32:8) I Love you. You're MY precious child and I desire to see you live life to the fullest. Grab your girl and GO! (Genesis 2:18) Have fun. And be about MY business. I have a job for you. It's BIG. Yes, it's BIG. It's very BIG and I am entrusting you to do it and do it well. I know that you will. (Matthew 25:21) I've had MY eye on you since the beginning, before your beginning, yes, before you were ever born and NOW it's time for the fulfillment of MY purpose for you. (Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 138:8) You may think your life is almost over, well son, the truth is, your life is just beginning. And this time MY way! Completely. Trust ME. I've got you. Follow ME! Let's meet. Let's meet in the middle. Will you meet me? I will satisfy you! I tell you, you will never hunger and thirst again!" (Lamentations 3:24, Matthew 5:6)