God has given me this song several times as of recent. I encourage you to play it, sing to it, dance to it, however the Holy Spirit leads you. Let's Celebrate!
I heard in My Spirit, "Let your hope arise. Let your faith arise. Let your hope abound. Let your faith abound."(Romans 15:13, 2 Timothy 1:6)
The Spirit of God says, "The seasons are changing NOW! But you have to believe it. Receive it. And start living in it NOW! Break out of confinement. JUST DO IT! Do NOT let the enemy stop you, hold you, confine you anymore! Be sober be vigilant. (1 Peter 5:8) Discern his plots, plans, tactics, traps, and schemes and say NO MORE! And say NOT THIS DAY, NOT ANYMORE! It stops here and it stops NOW, TODAY! Some of you are discerning. Some of you are not. I have blessed you with the gift to help you.(1 Corinthians 12:10) I have blessed you with eyes to see and ears to hear. (Matthew 13:16) In many cases, I have even given you his name and you have not stood against him. He is sly. But greater AM I that is in you than he that is in the world. (1John 4:4) STAND in MY Authority and put the enemy in his place TODAY! STAND and say get out of my way Satan, I am leaving this place that which you have confined me in! (Ephesians 6:13-14) Command him to move in MY NAME and say I am moving on and moving out TODAY! I urge you to command him to move because you are leaving TODAY! (Luke 10:19) And then leave. Walk out and declare your FREEDOM TODAY! Say I did it. I am free. I am free indeed. (John 8:36) Say NO MORE Satan, those days ARE OVER! You see, this is your greatest hour ever. I do not want you to miss one thing that I am releasing unto you in earth even NOW as it is in Heaven! It's NOT in the place of confinement. It's in the Promised Land that I am giving to you NOW to live in. Some of you are there. Some of you need to break out, move on, let go and go live there NOW! (Deuteronomy 11:11) There's no better time than NOW! THIS is the time I say that it is. (Ecclesiastes 3) THIS is it. Truly, THIS is it! Get ready. It is come. I told you it was coming. Good times. Good things. (John 10:10) The hour has arrived. You said the best is yet to come. Not I. I spoke and I said may the best begin. And NOW it is here! Get ready to CELEBRATE! In fact, plan it. Plan a CELEBRATION! A HUGE one! Because what I am doing is HUGE! GATHER, MY People, as many as you can and give ME the Glory! (Zephaniah 3:20) I told you that I was going to do great things. (Psalm 126:3) And you've waited. Here it comes. Every one of them. Take hold of the promises NOW! Here they are. Every one of them. They are yours. I give them to you NOW! They are coming unto you even NOW! Open up your hands and receive them NOW! Lift up your hands and receive them NOW! Name them. Every one of them. Grab them. Take them. Have them. Enjoy them. I bless you with them. (2 Corinthians 1:20) Did I not say I was going to bless the work of thine hands. (Deuteronomy 28:12) You have done so well. My precious child I love you. Oh, how it brings me great joy. It brings me tears of joy. (Matthew 25:21) My heart is compelled to bless you beyond measure. Yes, immeasurable. (Ephesians 3:20-21) Believe it. It's true. I am pouring out of My Spirit unto you even NOW! THIS time they are tangible! They are NOW come into fruition! Before they hit the ground you will touch them. THIS is the season you are NOW in! And it begins TODAY! In between Heaven and Earth there will be a change from the things in the Spirit INTO things in the natural. THIS time you will touch them! Physically touch them. Again I tell you, I am blessing the work of thine hands. (Deuteronomy 28:12) So you will touch them. Every one of them. Every promise I have made to you. Get ready to touch. Expect to. You see, last season you birthed. Last year was your birth year. NOW is the season you take hold of them that which you have birthed! It is a new season. It is a new year. It is a new beginning. It IS a new day dawning and it begins TODAY. And I say what time it is. Happy New Year!" (Ecclesiastes 3)