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7/26/21 A Word to My Church and to the deceiving Church; The Spirit of God says,

"My Third Great Awakening is HERE and it is NOW! I tell you, I AM come like a tsunami. (Psalm 29:3) I AM come to wake you up. Wake up people. I say to you, WAKE UP NOW! I AM waking you up right NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW! It is time to wake up. I say to you, WAKE UP RIGHT NOW! (Romans 13:11) I AM come to remove the blinders from your eyes. I AM come to overtake the noise in your ears. (Matthew 13:16) I AM come to make a way where there was no way. (John 14:6) NOW you will come with me. NO MORE will you be deceived! (1 John 4:1) I have had enough. You may say you are tired. I AM tired of My Church sleeping. I AM tired of My Church in slumber. I AM tired of sin in My Church. I AM come to deal with it NOW! I tell you, I AM dealing with the sin in My Church NOW! (2 Peter 3:9) I AM cleaning house. My House. I AM tired of many in My House that are not listening. I AM tired of many of you who are choosing not to listen. Because you may have to give up something. Well too bad, I say. I have given up My life for you. I died for you. (Romans 5:8) And NOW you are going to die for me! By My Spirit, you are going to die. Completely! I say, your flesh is going to die. (Matthew 16:24-25) Once and for all. I AM not playing games. This is real. If you say that you belong to me, then you can ONLY belong to me! Not the world. (Romans 12:2) I AM completely removing you from the world. You will no longer satisfy the world. You will no longer satisfy your flesh. Many of you have been warned. NOW I AM come to judge! (1 Peter 4:17) I tell you, this is catastrophic. You didn't listen. I AM dissatisfied with My Church. Where there is a wrong, I AM making it right. I hope that you listen NOW! I tell you, some structures are going to fall. I tell you, some buildings are going to fall. These say they are a house of God. But I say to you, they are not. I AM come to deal with the false church. The false doctrine. The false theology. The false beliefs. The false prophets. The false teachers. The false preachers. For deceiving, they will be judged accordingly. I say, many will lose their spots. They got their fame and fortune by lying. By deceiving. Living the high life. I say, NOT ANYMORE! (Ezekiel 13) I have prepared My people; My true holy sons and My true holy daughters. My people are ever ready to come onto the scene. Everywhere. My people; blessed beyond measure. (Ephesians 3:20-21) My Bride. These ones are receiving their inheritance even NOW! (Romans 8:17) These ones are receiving their crown of life even NOW! Those of you know who you are. Congratulations! You did it! Receive the crown of life. (James 1:12) I love you My faithful ones. I knew I could trust you. So NOW I trust you with MORE! (Luke 16:10) Receive My blessings.

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