"I have done so much this week," says the Lord. "You may not of seen it, but you felt it. (Zechariah 4:6) It was ME! Your God. The One and Only. (Ephesians 4:6) I moved in ways that only I can. That is who I am. I am waymaker. (Isaiah 43:19) Everyone take your seat. The show is about to begin. And it is My show. I am come to show great things. I am come to show My majesty. I am come to show you I am King and I reign. I am come to show you My people. Yes. My people. There are few. (Matthew 22:14) Many of you say that you are mine, but I know who My people really are. They are My devoted ones. They trust when it seems impossible. They stand in opposition. They are not moved. They remain faithful. (Matthew 25:21) They are not swayed by man. I tell you this day, anyone who messes with My people; will be taken out. They are strong, furious, righteous fighting warriors made in my image. They Roar like ME! I have put My words in thy mouth. (Isaiah 51:16) They are ready. Get ready for the show of your lifetime. You will see great exploits of ME! (Daniel 11:32) Everywhere. That is everywhere My people are. You see, it is in them that you will see ME! All My people have to do is show up. Then watch what is going to happen. Unbelievable yet true. It's SHOWTIME! Strap yourselves in. In just a moments time, I am going to sound an alarm. Listen for it. (Revelation 4:1) I am going to sound an alarm. Like a siren alarms of an oncoming storm, I am alarming you with My Roar. It is ferocious. Just listen. Some of you have to move with My Roar. Some of you have to stay seated. Some of you will have to go at the sound of My Roar. Some of you just hang on tight. What you are about to see is nothing short of spectacular. What you are about to see is nothing short of My justice. Some of you are needed to move when I say move. Some of you are needed to stay when I say stay. Listen to ME! Listen to My voice. Listen closely. Stay close to ME!. (Psalm 91:1) There is a lot going to be happening. It is imperative that you are in the center of My will. Don't do anything without ME!"