In the early morning hours on 7/5/21 the Holy Spirit highlighted to me how EVERYTHING creation was STILL. It was a beautiful sunny morning with clear skies. No wind. Only a few birds I heard. Very little traffic. Almost silent. Mostly very quiet. Like a quiet stillness before a storm. Eerie. No movement. Like I knew something was about to happen! Something is about to break. Something is about to break the stillness. In my Spirit, I saw heard and knew God's justice is come. God's storm is come. IT IS the calm before the storm! God's judgment is come. A perfect storm. This morning 7/7/21 I recognized another calm before the storm. Quiet. Stillness. No birds. No movement. No vehicles. No wind. No sound. No people. THEN a slight increase in activity in these things. Calm again. THEN a slight increase in activity in these things. Calm again. I observed as this continued right before my eyes. It is impressed upon me to ask this question, Do you know who you are?
I heard the Lord God say, "The calm and the storm are both of ME. I AM doing something. Prepare. I AM MORE. I AM come like a mighty rushing wind. (Acts 2:2) I AM come to Bless and to Judge. I AM come both ways. I AM Vindicator. (Psalm 135:14) Watch as things break loose. Everywhere. This will be good and this will be not so good. Either way I come. My Kingdom come My will be done in My earth as it is in My Heaven. (Matthew 6:10) My shining ones will shine forth. (Daniel 12:3) They will stand out. My Blessed and Highly Favored ones. I will not be mocked. My people will not be mocked. I say, the mocking days are over. (Galatians 6:7) For those of you who think My people are crazy; NOW you will come running to them. (Mark 3:21, Isaiah 55:5) You will be giving them your goods. Here, take this. Here, have this. You will say unto My people. (Proverbs 16:7) The storm is upon you people, yes you, who did great things to harm My people and My land. And I saw it all. I saw everything. It is not just a storm. It is My perfect storm. But My people are safe. My salvation is forever. (Revelation 8, Isaiah 51:6) This is unstoppable. My movement is unstoppable. And NOW by My Spirit you will come running to My people. (Isaiah 55:5) Help me. Save me. Will be the cries in your hearts. For you will know the things you have done unto My people and My land because I AM going to show you, I AM going to expose you and all of your evil works. I AM moving in the calm and in the storm. My people rest in both. Yes, My people rest in both. (Psalm 46:10-11) Watch as my hand takes full control of everything. My right hand of righteousness. My righteousness will prevail. My justice will prevail. I will prevail in My people." (Isaiah 41:10)