Our Father says, "You've been disappointed. The battle has been real. (Ephesians 6:12) Today I tell you to Shake off the disappointment. Shake it off. I tell you, Shake it off. Move your body and Do it. Let it go. Tell it to go. In My name. My name which is above every name. (Philippians 2:9) JESUS! Yes. My name. And My name is imperative in this season. Make room. I AM coming in! Full bore. Your cup will runneth over. (Psalm 23:5) Joy and Gladness will be found therein. (Isaiah 51:3) It will Overflow. Believe it. It's true. Abundance. No lack in any good thing of Me. (John 10:10) Sorrow and mourning are fleeing away even NOW! (Isaiah 51:11) By My Spirit, I AM replacing it with My Joy! And it will be full. (John 15:11) Celebrate the lives of those I have come to receive unto myself. (John 14:3) Know their work is not finished. NOW they work from another place! You see, it is harvest time. And for some their work is finished in earth. Do not be surprised by this. I tell you, I AM come to do this! So Rejoice for your brother or sister is NOW with Me! Remember, I AM in full control of everything! I told you to Watch as My hand takes full control of everything. I told you the table has turned. Discern what I AM doing in this hour! And trust Me. I know what I AM doing! Things are flipping. Even NOW! What flopped is NOW flipping! Laugh. I AM! (Psalm 2:4) It's time to get with the program My People. My program. Turn it on. What are you waiting for? Stop hesitating. What are you afraid of? I have not given you the Spirit of Fear. (2 Timothy 1:7) I tell you today, the wait is over. Surely, the wait is over. Partner up with Me and Watch things happen. Fast. (Amos 9:13) Doors are open unto you. Walk through them. (Revelation 4:1) I AM with you! Do not be discouraged by the things happening around you that may not look good. I tell you, that's NOT the way it is! (2 Corinthians 5:7) I AM true to My word and I will make it good! (Numbers 23:19) It already IS! I promise. My People, I promise. Again I say, I promise. Open your eyes. And see what lies before you. It's right in front of your face. Look and you will see. I say to you, Look. Look. Look. Look. I have purposely placed people in your path. I have purposely placed things in your path. It's not a mistake. It's not a coincidence. Do with them and Go with them as you are lead by My Spirit. I AM excited for you! Work hard. Have fun. With Me and in Me. Let's do this together. Yes. Let's do this together."