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9/28/21 The Spirit of the Lord says, "Fruitfulness. Nothing but fruitfulness."

The Spirit of the Lord says, "Let the CELEBRATION begin! It's HERE! The kairos moment has arrived. Let the party begin. The opportune time has arrived. Remember, I told you. It is the importune time. I told you it is the opportune time. And NOW the time is HERE! The hour of frustration is over. Let the seeds sprout forth. Fruitfulness. Nothing but fruitfulness. (Isaiah 61:3,9) Let the Joy begin. Jump for Joy My People. (Isaiah 51:11) I say Jump. Go ahead and Jump. Jump. Jump. Jump. Remember, I told you. You are not going to believe what I AM about to do, but I AM going to do it! The sun is rising upon the land. My Son is rising upon the land. It IS a New day dawning! A move of My Son Jesus across the globe. Unlike anything the world has ever seen. (1 Corinthians 2:9) By My Spirit, you are rising upon the land. With full and plenty. (Proverbs 3:10) Just like My Son Jesus. (Romans 8:29) Yes. My Jesus movement has arrived. From all the corners of the earth. From every tribe, nation, and tongue. (Revelation 7:9) Your vats are full. (Proverbs 3:10) Let it flow. Let it flow. Let it flow. Bless. Bless. Bless. Be who I HAVE created you to Be! Yes. I DID this! (2 Corinthians 3:18) In your Yes to Me. It's time to take over. The turbulence by My Spirit has been real. It has been intense. And it was on purpose. (Matthew 6:10) It has brought all things to come to a head. It has brought everything into alignment. You see it, you hear it, and you know it. And you are NOW ready for the manifestation of who I say that I AM! Who I say that you are. (Psalm 46:10, Romans 8:19) Radical obedience. Radical faith. You are NOT an ordinary people. (1 Peter 2:9) And I AM NOT an ordinary God! It is time for My Super on the natural. It is time. It is time. It is time. And I AM so excited to do it!"

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